1 Introduction

One of the more common data visualizations is the display of bivariate data in an XY scatterplot. In R there are numerous ways of obtaining basic and enhanced versions of the scatterplot. For purposes of quick EDA, simple methods exist. For presentation graphics and publication quality products, more effort is required. This document provides the range of those possibilities using both base system graphics, add-on package functions, the ggplot2 approach which is fast becoming a de facto R standard, and illustrations with a Plotly implementation for R.

At the end of the document, two approaches to 3D scatterplots are shown for trivariate data. Doing 3D scatterplots well is a bit more of a technical challenge and the readily accessible options are limited. One shown here is also one that can take advantage of RGL capabilities to grab the plot with a mouse and perform rotation such that perspectives can be maximized. A second approach, using Plotly, has the interactive capability built in.

2 The R Environment

Several packages are required for the work in this document. They are loaded here, but comments/reminders are placed in some code chunks so that it is clear which package some of the functions come from.

3 Load the Primary Data Set

Although several data sets are used in this document, one data set will be the primary exemplar and is described here. Howell’s table 9.2 (7th or 8th edition) (Howell, 2014). has an example of the relationship between stress and mental health as reported in a study by Wagner, et al., (1988, as cited in the Howell text). This Health Psychology study examined a variable that was the subject’s perceived degree of social and environmental stress (called “stress” in the data set“). There was also a measure of psychological symptoms based on the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (called”symptoms") in the data file. One interesting aspect of the variables in the data set is that they both have some positive skewness. With that in mind some scatterplots are enhanced with marginal plots of the univariate distributions of both variables. Other scatterplots will help visualize the fact that the bivariate distribution of the two variables is not bivariate normal.

First, we will read the data file. The data are found in a .csv file called “howell_9_2.csv”.

The data frame is “attached” to make variable naming simpler/shorter in later functions.

## 'data.frame':    107 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ id      : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ stress  : int  30 27 9 20 3 15 5 10 23 34 ...
##  $ symptoms: int  99 94 80 70 100 109 62 81 74 121 ...
id stress symptoms
1 30 99
2 27 94
3 9 80
4 20 70
5 3 100
6 15 109

4 Best Practices for Scatterplots

Building on the work of Tufte (2001) and Cleveland (1984, 1994), we can review some of the basic characteristics of an xy scatterplot that reflect best practices for scientific graphing.

  1. The data rectangle should be only slightly smaller than the scale/axis rectangle. This often implies that axis scales are truncated.
  2. A visual indicator of axis truncation is desireable.
  3. Scatterplots work best in a 1:1 aspect ratio. I.e., they should be square.
  4. Care should be taken to find a good size for points in the scatterplot so that they are easily visible, yet not too prominent.
  5. Ticks marks should be limited in number to that necessary for visualization of the scale - too many tick marks and tick labels clutter the plot.
  6. Font choices and sizes require care, as do line widths. Very often, default font sizes are too small. These choices depend on the medium in which the plot is displayed.
  7. Use color judiciously - as an important element of the graph and not just decoration.
  8. Show the data! (Tufte’s axiom). This implies things like rug plots for univariate dimensions.

The following images set up some basic components and permit understanding points 1 and 3.

First, we can define the scale rectangle:

Next, we define the data rectangle:

This next plot violates best practice #1 and is a poor figure. It ignores Tufte’s axiom: “show the most data in the smallest space with the least amount of ink”.

The basic graphing functions shown in this document fulfill these practices with varying degrees of success. The default algorithms in base R and ggplot do a fairly good job of points 1, 3, 4, and 7. Ggplot does well with points 1, 3 and 4, but often needs work on the other points. Plotly routines are intended for broader data visualization purposes and often violate some of these principles since the intended audience is not necessarily the scientific community. Scientific graphing practices are more conservative, especially with regard to colors and fonts. The goal is effective/efficient communication of information without distracting, or misleading the reader, and without gratuitous/superfluous decoration.

5 XY Scatterplots with base system graphics

One of the most rudimentary graphing functions in base R is the plot function. It has broad capabilities, but when two variables are passed to it, its default is to draw a scatterplot. The first variable passed to the function is the X axis variable. The rapidity of using this function makes it a prime candidate as the go-to EDA method for a quickly obtained scatterplot.

Many enhancements are possible within the plot function and associated functions that add elements to the base plot. Compare comments here to the code in the next code chunk. In that next graph, the axes are limited to a range that is specified to accomodate rug plots and a Y axis break indicator. Labels for the two axes can be tailored to needs. The character of the plotted points is controlled by the “pch” argument and the outline and background colors of the points can also be chosen (see the provided document on R colors). The important “cex” arguments control the sizing of graph elements. The point sizes are specified as 1.7 times the default size.

The aspect ratio of a scatterplot can be controlled by the “asp” argument. It was not used in this illustration because in R Markdown files it is better to control figure sizing within the {r} code chunk definition using “fig.width” and “fig.height”.

Once the basic plot is defined, several other functions permit additions onto that active plot. The abline function permits drawing a line. Here, the line is extracted from the linear regression object produced by the lm function and then drawn in a specific color. Rug plots can be added to specific axes. Symptoms is the Y axis variable and it could be added to either the bottom (side 1) or top axes (side 3, as was done here). Although not truly necessary with this data set, the jitter function was used with the stress variable to show how small amounts of jittering can be done with variables that have many overlapping/redundant values. The mtext argument places a title on the graph in a preferred location.

A very useful attribute is controlled by the axis.break function. In cases where axes are truncated, it is always recommended to give the viewer a visual indicator of the fact that an axis does not extend to zero. This axis.break function, from the plotrix package provides this capability and is used for the Y axis here (side 2). One can ask for a “zig-zag” break or a “double slash”. The former is requested here and placed appropriately on side 2 at a value of 52. The “double slash” will be illustrated in a later plot.

6 Base R Scatterplots with marginal univariate distributions.

One can combine some aspects of univariate EDA with the bivariate scatterplot by drawing various visualizations in the margins of the scatterplot, with the same scale properties of each of the X and Y variables. The two examples here are done manually with the first and with a ready-made function for the second.

6.1 Adding Boxplots to the margins

In order to create this more complex graph, the graphics window is carved up into four areas using the par function. The main scatterplot occupies 80% of each of the x and y axes and the boxplots the remaining 20%. In the first par function call, the “fig” argument indicates these 0-80 ranges for x and y and thus leaves the 80-100 percent range for the boxplots. The scatterplot is then drawn with plot and it is placed in this 80% x 80% square. Later par functions specify the locations for the boxplots within the remainder 20% rectangles. Each plot may require “fiddling” with the par fig specifications to obtain the best look. It is important to note that when the par values are coordinated for the first and later par calls, the univariate plots are placed in the correct/identical scaled locations for the variables. This is easy to see by looking at the outliers in the box plots and finding them in the scatterplot.

Note that ggplot and ggMarginal are probably better choices for this type of plot (see below) although axis breaks cannot be applied with those functions.

6.2 Scatterplot with marginal frequency histograms

A similar idea is built into a function from the UsingR package where marginal frequency histograms are added to a scatterplot. (Still working on how to get markdown to stop creating the blank layout area first.) Note that ggplot and ggMarginal are probably better choices for this type of plot.

6.3 A 2D density plot called a Bagplot

In aplpack, a bagplot function permits a type of drawing that gives a sense of the 2D density of the XY dsitribution. In effect, it is a non-parametric visualization. It should be viewed as a 2D extension of the box plot. The “bag” contains the “middle” 50% of the data points. In the plot here, the bag is colored tan. Technically it is a convex hull (see the help function on bagplot for details/references). The outer area, colored with the light yellow is the 2D representation of the Tukey “fences” (from the boxplot where fences are often called whiskers). Here, the bagplot is placed in a multiple panel plot where boxplots are placed in the margins. The boxplots here are specified with the “notch” argument that indicates a 95%CI for the median. If the colors are off-putting, then this reinforces the continuing admonition that color choices must be carefully made and not simple decorations (as is the case here).

6.4 2D Kernel Smoothing

Among the methods for displaying the density of a bivariate distribution is an extension of the univariate kernel density display to two dimentions. There are multiple ways of doing this in R, but I have found that the hdr.boxplot.2d function from hdrcde is simple to use. Here I’ve requested the 50th and 90th % contour approximations. This reveals some “outliers” in the upper reaches of both variables, reflecting the positive skewness seen for both.

## This is hdrcde 3.3

7 Using base system graphics to include a third variable

In this section, we return to ue of the base system plot function but alter the way that the points are placed on the graph. A different data set is used, one that was employed for other illustrations in previous sections of the course. The data are three variables on a sample from one mouse strain. The variables are body weight, brain weight, and length of the corpus callosum. The data come from Crabbe, J. C., Wahlsten, D., & Dudek, B. C. (1999). Genetics of mouse behavior: interactions with laboratory environment. Science, 284(5420), 1670-1672.

The research question is on the relationship between brain weight and corpus callosum length - a positive correlation might be expected. But the plot also allows visual investigation of the potential role that body weight plays in both. The way that body weight is taken into account is to scale the size of the points (their area) to the third variable, body weight. In order to do this, the body weight variable (initially called bwcoc) is rescaled by subtracting a constant from each origninal value (grams). This constant is one unit smaller than the minimum value of the original body weight. This re-centering produces a variable that has a minimum value of 1 and all positive values. This provides a scaling vector for the point area specification.

This plot also places the points on the graph using a different method than the original approach taken above. The base plot has an argument of “type=n”, preventing points from being displayed. Then, the symbols function is used to add the points to the plot. This approach is taken so that the size of those symbols can be scaled to the third variable, bw2.

Once the symbols specification is accomplished, the OLS line, rug plots and axis breaks are added as was done above.

The plot does not suggest that the small positive relationship between brain weight and corpus callosum length is easily accounted for by body weight as a confounding variable since the varying sizes of the points do not seem to follow the two other variables. This is essentially a question of a partial correlation between the two primary variables, controlling for bw. The code for that computation is shown in the subsequent code chunk.

(Still working how to get markdown to stop creating the blank layout area first.)

This code chunk produces a test of the partial correlation of brain and cclenght, controlling for bw2. The “estimate” is the partial correlation coefficient and it is only barely different from the zero order correlation (produced first).

## [1] 0.08876244
##     estimate   p.value statistic  n gp  Method
## 1 0.08816952 0.5556381 0.5937716 48  1 pearson

8 A publication ready graph with base R

A few enhancements and adjustments of an earlier base system scatterplot makes for a publication quality figure.

Note that in an accompanying document on simple regression and bivariate correlation, an additional rug plot can be added to this type of graph, indicating the yhat (predicted) values from the regression.

9 XY Scatterplots with ggplot2

The ggplot2 package provides extensive facilities for XY scatterplots and a few are demonstrated here. The general approach with the ggplot function is to first define the XY coordinate system for the plot and then add “geoms” that specify the various elements to be placed on the plot. Here, “pbase” is the base object for the plot onto which various “geoms” are added in subsequent approaches to the scatterplot.

9.1 A basic ggplot scatterplot

The first plot is a basic scatterplot with the simple regression line added along with a visual indicator of the 95% confidence region for the slope. All aspects of the plot can be manipulated (axis limits, colors, fonts, point shapes/sizes, etc) but only the base/default graph is generated here for simplicity. The “theme_classic()” specification is used to remove the background color and background grid that would normally be the default graph type for ggplot (seen in later plots in this sequence)

We can change the geom_smooth to display a loess fit and confidence envelope.

9.2 A Series of graphs depicting 2D density

We can also add contour lines for 2D densities using the “stat_density2d” geom. Again, fine tuning of the contour line defninitions can be done, but only the default is shown here for simplicity of presentation.

The density of the bivariate distribution can also be seen with the use of a color gradient - producing a type of heat map. Here, the raster geom is defined as part of the stat_density2D specification.

We might also overlay the data points on the density plot.

Seeing the value of the series of plots just illustrated can be aided by looking at a different data set. Here, the classic Old Faithful Data set is used. The two variables are eruption duration (“eruptions”) and time between eruptions (“waiting”).

9.3 Scatterplot with marginal univariate displays

There are several ggplot2 based packages that permit specialized graph types using the ggplot approaches. One of these is ggExtra. Among the many useful types of plots it draws is this one the starts with the base ggplot figure from above and adds marginal frequency histograms.

The `ggMarginal function can also add other displays to the margins. See the help page for function to list the options, which include boxplots and violinplots. Here I show density.

In order to remove some of the skewness from the two variables, we can apply scale transformations. Stress was less skewed and a square root transformation is applied. A base 10 log transformation is applied to the symptoms variable.

The sequence of the code is to create a new data frame to hold these new variables, by duplicating the original one (simple to do it this way since data1 is “attached”). Then the transformed variables are added to that new data frame. Then the same sequence of functions creating the plot seen above is repeated, using the new data frame and transformed variables. Both marginal density plots now look fairly normal.

Another nice capability of ggmarginal is to overlay the density plots onto the histograms using the “densigram” specifier.

10 Scatterplots using Plotly

The graphing routines from plotly provide another rich suite of visualization capabilities. Here, a basic scatterplot is drawn with a few attributes modified from the default plot. Note that the pipes operator (%>%) is used to add on titles and change the axis labels. The major advantage of graphs from plotly is the ability to interact wtih the graph - hover the mouse over a point to see its values.

NOTE: In the pdf version of this doc, the plotly-produced figures are not displayed (cannot be rendered to pdf from markdown). See the html version.

Adding an OLS line to the plot_ly figure can be done.

11 3D Scatterplot of three variables

Scatterplots with three variables are more challenging to draw using R. While several methods are possible, it is desireable to have the capability to fit a linear model surface onto the scatterplot. I have found that the scatter3D function from the plot3D package permits this type of figure to be drawn, albeit with a bit of work required to set it up and to specify the plot features.

11.1 Fit the 2 predictor “additive” model

For this illustration a data set has been provided by Professor James Boswell. A sample of participants in a clinical study were measured, at “baseline” on a series of psychological variables. For our purposes, these are a measure of depression severity (“bods”), a measurer of anxiety severity (“boasev”) and a measure of positive affect (“bpa”). The research question of interest in this 3D scatterplot visualization is whether the bods can be predicted from the other two variables. This requres a two-IV multiple regression or linear model.

First, the data set is imported. In addition, the three variables are duplicated and renamed z, x, and y to better fit the requirements of the scatter3D function. Note that even though bods is the DV in the model just described, it is relabeled as z here since z is the vertical axis in the 3D wireframe plot generated below.

Next, we will fit the two-IV “additive” model with bods as the DV. Both IVs are significant predictors although note that the signs of their regression coefficents differ, as one would expect for these variables. Anxiety severity and depression severity are positively related, but higher positive affect is associated with lower depression.

term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 5.7363514 1.6676431 3.439796 0.0007105
boasev 0.5829990 0.0775505 7.517665 0.0000000
bpa -0.2104816 0.0405446 -5.191359 0.0000005

We can redo the regression using the relabeled z, x, and y variables to show the same result. However, it is this model that is passed to the scatter3D function below so that the model surface can be drawn.

11.1.1 Examine the fit of the plane in a 3D wireframe plot:

The desire to place a surface (plane) on the 3D scatterplot requires setting up a grid sized by the x and y variables.

Then the yhats are extracted from the lm fit object. They are associated with the values of the x and y variables in the grid defined above (z.pred) and they are also placed in a vector (fitpoints) that can be used to draw drop lines to the regression surface, reflecting the residual deviations.

Then the scatterplot can be drawn. The theta and phi arguments define the perspective of viewing a 3D object in a 2D space. Axis limits are defined with trial and error and labels are specified. The surf argument is the mechanism for specifying the placement of the additive model surface (a plane in this two-IV) model and the color of the surface is set to "grey75). Finally, the col argument controls the color of the points.

Note the commented-out plotrgl() function at the end of the last code chunk This is perhaps the most valueable aspect of doing this 3D scatterplot with the scatter3D function. The 2D rendering of the 3D plot relies on a fixed choice of perspective, but seeing varying perspectives enhances the value of the plot. The plotrgl function permits this. It will permit a secondary window to open, with the plot, and the user can rotate the perspective of the graph with the computer mouse. This cannot be done in the rendered html or pdf versions of this document.

The reader can execute this plotrgl() function (along with the rest of the R code for this example) in R (or RStudio) to visualize an interactive version of the 3D plot. A shiny app is also avaialable so that the user can dynamically and interactively rotate the figure in a different way than plotrgl() provides.

11.2 Interactive 3D scatterplot with Shiny

R/Shiny apps are a good way to produce interactive/dynamic visualizations of data and are a perfect outlet for visualizing the 3D scatterplot just shown. A shiny app has been created or the example just developed above and it is embedded in the HTML version of this document. The code is extensive and not shown here for the sake of keeping the document brief.

If the reader is using the pdf version of this document, the shiny app is not available within the document.

The 3D plot can be rotated by grabbing it with the computer mouse and moving in the desired direction. Both the additive model surface (a plane) and the interaction model surface (a warped plane) can be visualized by choosing the respective radio button.

12 3D Scatterplot with plotly

Another major data visualization capability is now available in R with the Plotly routines. The plotly package permits interactive plots where, to a degree, the user can identify components of the plot. From our current perspective, the utility of the plot_ly function is the provision of the capability to rotate the graph by grabbing it with the computer mouse.

The code for these plots is somewhat of a steep learning curve and is not explained here. These plots are illustrated for the sake of demonstrating the capability of the functions. I have also not progressed to a very high degree of functionality with Plotly code, so several aspects of these plots still need work (e.g, aspect ratio, color of the model surface, etc.)

The plots in this section will only be visible in the HTML version of this document. If you are reading the pdf version, switch to the HTML version.

We can add a model surface to the 3D plot. Here, an interaction model is fit. This interaction model makes sense in the context of the two variables with boasev being a weaker predictor when bpa is high.

Then set up the grid on which the model surface (a warped plane) will be plotted.

Initally, the base 3D scatterplot is defined and then the model surface is added.

13 Documentation for Reproducibility

R software products such as this markdown document should be simple to reproduce, if the code is available. But it is also important to document the exact versions of the R installation, the OS, and the R packages in place when the document is created.

## R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18362)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid      stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] hdrcde_3.3      shiny_1.4.0.2   rmarkdown_2.1   reshape2_1.4.4 
##  [5] plotly_4.9.2.1  plot3Drgl_1.0.1 rgl_0.100.54    plot3D_1.3     
##  [9] ppcor_1.1       ggExtra_0.9     ggthemes_4.2.0  knitr_1.28     
## [13] broom_0.5.6     car_3.0-7       carData_3.0-3   psych_1.9.12.31
## [17] plotrix_3.7-8   UsingR_2.0-6    Hmisc_4.4-0     ggplot2_3.3.0  
## [21] Formula_1.2-3   survival_3.1-12 lattice_0.20-41 HistData_0.8-6 
## [25] MASS_7.3-51.6   aplpack_1.3.3  
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] nlme_3.1-147            ash_1.0-15              httr_1.4.1             
##  [4] webshot_0.5.2           RColorBrewer_1.1-2      tools_3.6.3            
##  [7] backports_1.1.6         R6_2.4.1                rpart_4.1-15           
## [10] mgcv_1.8-31             lazyeval_0.2.2          colorspace_1.4-1       
## [13] manipulateWidget_0.10.1 nnet_7.3-14             withr_2.2.0            
## [16] tidyselect_1.1.0        gridExtra_2.3           mnormt_1.5-7           
## [19] curl_4.3                compiler_3.6.3          htmlTable_1.13.3       
## [22] isoband_0.2.1           labeling_0.3            scales_1.1.1           
## [25] checkmate_2.0.0         stringr_1.4.0           digest_0.6.25          
## [28] foreign_0.8-76          rio_0.5.16              base64enc_0.1-3        
## [31] jpeg_0.1-8.1            pkgconfig_2.0.3         htmltools_0.4.0        
## [34] highr_0.8               fastmap_1.0.1           htmlwidgets_1.5.1      
## [37] rlang_0.4.6             readxl_1.3.1            rstudioapi_0.11        
## [40] farver_2.0.3            generics_0.0.2          jsonlite_1.6.1         
## [43] crosstalk_1.1.0.1       acepack_1.4.1           dplyr_0.8.5            
## [46] zip_2.0.4               magrittr_1.5            Matrix_1.2-18          
## [49] Rcpp_1.0.4.6            munsell_0.5.0           abind_1.4-5            
## [52] lifecycle_0.2.0         stringi_1.4.6           yaml_2.2.1             
## [55] plyr_1.8.6              misc3d_0.8-4            parallel_3.6.3         
## [58] promises_1.1.0          forcats_0.5.0           crayon_1.3.4           
## [61] miniUI_0.1.1.1          haven_2.2.0             splines_3.6.3          
## [64] hms_0.5.3               pillar_1.4.4            tcltk_3.6.3            
## [67] glue_1.4.1              evaluate_0.14           latticeExtra_0.6-29    
## [70] data.table_1.12.8       png_0.1-7               vctrs_0.3.0            
## [73] httpuv_1.5.2            cellranger_1.1.0        gtable_0.3.0           
## [76] purrr_0.3.4             tidyr_1.0.3             assertthat_0.2.1       
## [79] xfun_0.13               openxlsx_4.1.5          mime_0.9               
## [82] xtable_1.8-4            later_1.0.0             viridisLite_0.3.0      
## [85] tibble_3.0.1            cluster_2.1.0           ellipsis_0.3.0

14 References

Cleveland, W. S. (1984). Graphs in scientific publications. The American Statistician, 38, 261–269. Journal Article.

Cleveland, W. S. (1994). The elements of graphing data (Rev., p. 297 p.). Book, Murray Hill, N.J.: AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Howell, D. C. (2014). Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences (8th ed., pp. xvii, 649pages). Book, Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

Tufte, E. R. (2001). The visual display of quantitative information (2nd ed., p. 197 p.). Book, Cheshire, Conn.: Graphics Press.