10  Robust Methods and Resampling Methods

Violations of assumptions can wreak havoc with the standard methods of ANOVA, leading to increases in Type I error rate. Wilcox (2016) has reviewed the literature on this and concludes that researchers have been systematically taught, in error, that the standard parametric methods are often resistant to violations of assumptions. He argues, in a compelling fashion, that the standard approach of evaluating assumptions with inferential tests (e.g., levene test for homogeneity of variance, and various tests for non-normality) are underpowered for sample sizes that are common in much research. Reliance on the “non-significance” of such tests leads to flawed application of the standard inferential methods such as the omnibus F test employed in ANOVA. Two general approaches, sometimes intertwined, are available in light of this perspective. Robust methods often employ alternative statistics for estimation done with essential descriptive statistics such as means and standard deviations and employ them in analyses. A large class of modified central tendency estimators can be employed. The second class of alternative methods are the resampling methods that we have covered elsewhere. In this chapter, a few examples will be shown for the application of both classes of these methods.

10.1 Robust statistics and 1-way ANOVA

Wilcox has implemented an easy to use suite of tools in an R package for Robust Methods (Mair & Wilcox, 2018). Some background in concepts of robust central tendency estimators is useful in fully understanding the approaches - such methods as trimming, and winsorizing. The function operates by doing 20% trimming for computation of the location indices, by default and then employs the Welch F method seen above. An effect size statistic is also obtained

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WRS2::t1way(formula = dv~factora, data = hays)
WRS2::t1way(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays)

Test statistic: F = 8.1743 
Degrees of freedom 1: 2 
Degrees of freedom 2: 9.65 
p-value: 0.00838 

Explanatory measure of effect size: 0.68 
Bootstrap CI: [0.34; 1.08]

Pairwise multiple comparisons can also be performed, on these trimmed means, with a correction for error rate inflation built in.

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WRS2::lincon(formula = dv~factora, data = hays)
WRS2::lincon(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays)

                   psihat ci.lower ci.upper p.value
control vs. fast  7.16667  1.57906 12.75427 0.01221
control vs. slow  5.33333  0.98750  9.67916 0.01221
fast vs. slow    -1.83333 -7.15661  3.48994 0.34025

For both functions, control of the degree of trimming can be implemented with the “tr” argument (results not shown).

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WRS2::t1way(formula = dv~factora, data = hays, tr=.10)
WRS2::t1way(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays, tr = 0.1)

Test statistic: F = 4.3376 
Degrees of freedom 1: 2 
Degrees of freedom 2: 12.02 
p-value: 0.03817 

Explanatory measure of effect size: 0.65 
Bootstrap CI: [0.38; 0.92]
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WRS2::lincon(formula = dv~factora, data = hays, tr=.10)
WRS2::lincon(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays, tr = 0.1)

                 psihat ci.lower ci.upper p.value
control vs. fast  6.500 -0.50481 13.50481 0.05124
control vs. slow  5.375  0.04328 10.70672 0.05124
fast vs. slow    -1.125 -7.21691  4.96691 0.60863

The med1way function from WRS2 performs a 1-way

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WRS2::med1way(formula = dv~factora, data = hays, iter=1000)
WRS2::med1way(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays, iter = 1000)

Test statistic F: 1.3439 
Critical value: 1.2377 
p-value: 0.046 

10.2 Resampling methods: Permutation testing

I have been using the lmPerm package for permutation tests. Unfortunately the source code has been moved into the CRAN archive for unsupported packages. It is, nontheless, accessible. Follow these steps

  1. Download the file lmPerm_1.1-2.tar.gz from , and save it to a convenient place on your local machine.

  2. MS Windows users may need to install RTools from . Mac and Linux users can skip this step.

  3. Do install.packages(file.choose(), repos=NULL, type=“source”)

The aovp function is simple. Its defaults

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set.seed(15) # so that reruns of this produce the same outcome as seen here
fit <- lmPerm::aovp(dv~factora, data=hays, perm="Prob")
[1] "Settings:  unique SS "
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Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dv
          Df R Sum Sq R Mean Sq Iter Pr(Prob)   
factora    2   233.87   116.933 5000    0.002 **
Residuals 27   535.60    19.837                 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


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coin::independence_test(dv ~ factora,
                  data = hays)

    Asymptotic General Independence Test

data:  dv by factora (control, fast, slow)
maxT = 2.9574, p-value = 0.008792
alternative hypothesis: two.sided

Pairwise comparisons….

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ppairs <- rcompanion::pairwisePermutationTest(dv ~ factora,
                             data = hays,

          Comparison   Stat  p.value p.adjust
1 control - fast = 0  2.334  0.01958  0.02937
2 control - slow = 0  2.576 0.009982  0.02937
3    fast - slow = 0 -0.336   0.7369  0.73690

Or organized another way:

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ppm <- rcompanion::pairwisePermutationMatrix(dv ~ factora,
                               data = hays,

        control    fast     slow
control      NA 0.01958 0.009982
fast         NA      NA 0.736900
slow         NA      NA       NA

[1] "fdr"

        control    fast    slow
control 1.00000 0.02937 0.02937
fast    0.02937 1.00000 0.73690
slow    0.02937 0.73690 1.00000

10.3 Resampling methods: Bootstrapping

This section briefly reviews implementation of bootstrapping capability from two different R packages, WRS2 and lmboot.

10.3.1 Percentile t boostrapping along with robust mean estimation.

Wilcox recommends a percentile t method of bootstrapping for 1way ANOVA (Wilcox, 2016). This is implemented with the t1waybt function which also permits specification of the amount of trimming for means, thus adding a further robustness feature to the analysis. This method is appropriate when either (or both) heteroscedasticity and non-normality are present. The variance explained is a proportion of variance and the Effect size is a cohen’s f value. These value will differ from what was obtained previously, because of the trimming and the bootstrapping for error terms.

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WRS2::t1waybt(dv~factora,tr=.2,nboot=800, data=hays)
Warning in WRS2::t1waybt(dv ~ factora, tr = 0.2, nboot = 800, data = hays):
Some bootstrap estimates of the test statistic could not be computed.
WRS2::t1waybt(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays, tr = 0.2, 
    nboot = 800)

Effective number of bootstrap samples was 796.

Test statistic: 8.1743 
p-value: 0.01382 
Variance explained: 0.466 
Effect size: 0.683 

The user can employ another WRS2 function, mcppb20, to do pairwise post hoc tests comparing pairs of groups within the bootstrapping and trimming framework:

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WRS2::mcppb20(dv~factora,tr=.2,nboot=800, data=hays)
WRS2::mcppb20(formula = dv ~ factora, data = hays, tr = 0.2, 
    nboot = 800)

                   psihat ci.lower ci.upper p-value
control vs. fast  7.16667  0.33333 12.33333  0.0150
control vs. slow  5.33333  1.16667 10.16667  0.0025
fast vs. slow    -1.83333 -6.16667  3.66667  0.4575

10.4 Residual/Wild Bootsrapping

The lmboot package provides a function to implement Residual/Wild bootstrapping, which is recommended for models with heteroscedasticity. The simple output is only the p-value for the test of the single IV in 1way ANOVA. The modeling is based on Type I SS by default and cannot be changed. I rerun the base model so that the results can be compared. The ANOVA.boot function permits specification of both a seed that helps with reproducibility within this document, and number of bootstrap samples (“B”).

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anova(aov(dv~factora, data=hays))
Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dv
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
factora    2 233.87 116.933  5.8947 0.007513 **
Residuals 27 535.60  19.837                    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
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boot1 <- lmboot::ANOVA.boot(dv~factora, data=hays, seed=1234, B=5000)
boot1$`p-values` #bootstrap p-values for 1-way model
[1] 0.0058