BCD Statistics
Topics in Using R for Statistics and Data Analysis
Tutorials for APSY510/511
I am in the process of converting numerous code script files to extensive tutorials created with Rmarkdown/bookdown and Quarto. The documents found here are the beginning of that process. They are being revised and new ones added, regularly.
Last updated 3-21-2025 |
Basics of R Usage |
Introduction, Installation, Maintenance of R, RStudio, and R packages (HTML) (PDF) |
Importing, managing and saving data in R (HTML) (PDF) |
Data Subsetting: Selecting Cases and/or Variables, etc (HTML) (PDF) |
Linear Regression and Correlation |
Bivariate Correlation and Simple Regression (HTML) (PDF) |
Scatterplots (HTML) (PDF) |
Basics of Linear Modeling with multiple IVs (Multiple Regression) R (HTML) (PDF) (ePub) |
Experimental Design Methods |
One Factor Between Group ANOVA (HTML) (PDF)last updated 3-20-25 |
Two Factor Between Group ANOVA (HTML) (PDF) last updated 3-21-25 |
Three Factor Between Group ANOVA (HTML) (PDF) last updated 4-17-23 |
One Factor Repeated Measures ANOVA (HTML) (PDF)last updated 4-17-2023 |
Two Factor Repeated Measures ANOVA - both repeated (AxBxs) (HTML) (PDF) last updated 4-17-2023 |
Mixed Two Factor Repeated Measures ANOVA - one Between, one Within (HTML) (PDF) last updated 4-17-2023 |
Advanced Methods |
Introduction to Confirmatory Factor Analysis in R (HTML) (PDF) (ePub) last updated 3-7-25 |
Basics of Maximum Likelihood Estimation: A visualization approach. (HTML) (5-5-27-2022) |
Miscl Topics |
Wide-Long Data Reshaping (HTML) (PDF) |
Power, Effect Size, Sample Size Choice and an introduction to non-central distributions (HTML) (PDF) |